Starting hourly rate begins at $13, depending on position and related experience.
In addition to your hourly rate, you’ll receive tips for every shift worked. Tips are calculated per hours worked per employee per day and typically exceed $4/hour.
Opportunity for hourly raise available within six months, if attitude, work ethic, reliability, product quality and initiative demonstrate you care!
Biweekly paycheck includes tips so all income is reported to the IRS up front and you don’t have any surprises when tax season rolls around.
We believe in work-life balance! Service closes at 9p daily. Full-time employment is considered 30-40 hours per week.
Paid time off! Paid holidays for full-time employees include New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and two employee appreciation days.
Free meal and drink any day you work a full shift. All Union employees also receive 20% off retail products + 40% off restarurant purchases anytime.
Dental, vision and bonus plans available for full-time employees. Part-time employees can also choose to enroll and have plan costs deducted from their paychecks.
Be part of the Union team! We strive for a healthy, productive, respectful, inclusive and fun work environment.